The customer journey with Excel Me

Stage 1 - EPA agreement

The Excel Me EPA agreement is signed and submitted by the training provider, whilst apprentices commence their apprenticeship programme.

Stage 2 - Apprentice registration, on-boarding and support

Once the EPA agreement is signed, Excel Me, the apprentice, the employer and training provider will attend a planning meeting to outline the EPA process and the support available. Excel Me will provide guidance and assessment support materials and prepare the Training Provider on how to use the EPA management system so that apprentices can be registered.

Stage 3 - EPA readiness

Excel Me, the apprentice, the employer and training provider will meet to check on the progress of the apprentice. All pre-gateway requirements as set out in the apprenticeship standard must be achieved at this stage. Once all parties have confirmed the apprentice is ready, EPA can commence.

Stage 4 - EPA scheduling

Once gateway submissions have been submitted, assessment dates will be confirmed with the apprentice, end point assessor, training provider and employer. Excel Me will provide support with the booking process and the requirements and expectations of the EPA components so that the apprentice is fully prepared.

Stage 5 - EPA activity

The training provider, employer and Excel Me will ensure that EPAs are undertaken in line with the requirements of the assessment plan and take place on the agreed date. The end point assessor will assess the apprentice and submit the outcomes ready for certification.

Stage 6 - Results and certification

Once the assessments results have been confirmed, they will be made available to the apprentice. Should a fail result be recorded, the apprentice may need further training prior to a resit. Excel Me will submit assessment outcomes to the ESFA for certificates to be issued.