What it's like to be an…

Apprentice Business Administrator

  • Funding band


  • Duration

    18 Months

  • Level

    Level 3

  • Standard code


The role may involve working independently or as part of a team and will involve developing, implementing, maintaining and improving administrative services. Business administrators develop key skills and behaviours to support their own progression towards management responsibilities.

The responsibilities of the role are to support and engage with different parts of the organisation and interact with internal or external customers. With a focus on adding value, the role of business administrator contributes to the efficiency of an organisation, through support of functional areas, working across teams and resolving issues as requested.

Gateway Requirements

The apprentice must complete the following prior to passing through gateway:

  • Level 2 English and maths
  • A portfolio of learning
  • A completed project and prepared project presentation.

End Point Assessment

Knowledge Test

The apprentice undertakes a multi-choice test to last a maximum of 60 minutes and include 50 equally weighted multi-choice questions with four possible answers each.

Portfolio-based Interview

The Portfolio of Learning, which is not directly assessed, provides a structure for the Interview. The interview assesses:

  1. Understanding of the portfolio to validate competence shown
  2. Self-reflection of performance
  3. Demonstrating knowledge and how appropriate skills and behaviours have been applied
  4. Judgement and understanding to explain appropriate examples.

Project Presentation

The apprentice delivers a presentation to the EPAO on a project they have completed or a process they have improved. The presentation lasts 10-15 minutes, with a further 10-15 minutes for a Q&A session. The presentation should summarise the aim, outcome and responsibilities of the KSBs shown in the project. The presentation should demonstrate how they apprentice approached a task and the skills shown in doing so, building towards how they would improve the results going forward.


Apprenticeship Fee£770.00

Reassessment Fees

Knowledge Test£30.00
Portfolio Based Interview£110.00
Project Presentation£115.00

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