What it's like to be an…

Apprentice Customer Service Practitioner

  • Funding band


  • Duration

    12 Months

  • Level

    Level 2

  • Standard code


The role of a customer service practitioner is to deliver high quality products and services to the customers of their organisation.

The core responsibility will be to provide a high-quality service to customers which will be delivered from the workplace, digitally, or through going out into the customer’s own locality.  These may be one-off or routine contacts and include dealing with orders, payments, offering advice, guidance and support, meet-and-greet, sales, fixing problems, after care, service recovery or gaining insight through measuring customer satisfaction. The customer service practitioner may be the first point of contact and work in any sector or organisation type.

Gateway Requirements

The apprentice must complete the following prior to passing through gateway:

  • Level 1 English and maths
  • An apprentice showcase (only after 12 months on-programme).

End Point Assessment

Apprentice Showcase

The Apprentice Showcase enables apprentices to reflect and present examples of their development over the whole on-programme period against an externally set brief. The apprentice will present to the Independent Assessor to provide an opportunity for them to interview the apprentice and delve deeper in to the learning and experience.

Practical Observation

The practical observation will be pre-planned and scheduled to when the apprentice will be in their normal place of work and will be carried out by the Independent Assessor. The observation should enable the apprentice to evidence their skills, knowledge and behaviour from across the standard to demonstrate genuine and demanding work objectives.

Professional Discussion

The professional discussion will be a structured discussion between the apprentice and the Independent Assessor, following the observation, to establish the apprentice’s understanding and application of knowledge, skills and behaviours. The purpose of the professional discussion is to clarify any questions the Independent Assessor has from their assessment of the learner journey and practical observation.


Apprenticeship Fee£480.00

Reassessment Fees

Apprentice Showcase£105.00
Practical Observation£115.00
Professional Discussion£120.00

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